MLA Citation Guide (9th edition) : In-Text Citations

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An in-text citation usually contains the author's name (or other first element in the entry in the works cited list) and a page number.

A parenthetical citation that directly follows a quotation is placed after the closing quotation mark. No punctuation is used between the author's name (or the title) and a page number.

In-Text Citation Examples

The author's name can appear in the text itself or before the page number in the parenthesis:

Cox names five strategies to implement Diversity Management in companies (50).
“It's silly not to hope. It's a sin he thought” (Hemingway 96).

Here are some additional examples of in-text citations:

Smith argues that Jane Eyre is a "feminist Künstlerroman" that narrativizes a woman's struggle to write herself into being (86).

Jane Eyre is a "feminist Künstlerroman" that narrativizes a woman's struggle to write herself into being (Smith 86).