Advanced Criminal Investigations: Skills and Techniques for Detectives in the 21st Century

Lee Morton, Advanced Criminal Investigations: Skills and Techniques for Detectives in the 21st Century, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 1624–1626,

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The author of this book has a background in both law enforcement and academia, he has written a number of papers and this book is associated with both the tactical and strategic aspects of law enforcement. Having served as an officer in a variety of roles, he is recognized as a subject-matter expert in a variety of fields (p. 333). His writing style is easy to follow and flows well within the book through the sections he has written, with a clear understanding of the style required for law enforcement officers to radiate towards.

This book was published in 2018 but the author has written this with a horizon scanning mindset, with the challenges faced by detectives articulated in the book being very relevant to the challenges in 2020, not just in America but also the UK ( Brown, 2020, pp. 11–12), with the key threat areas for policing identified as separate chapters within the book.